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How to make money with an online gambling affiliate?

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Do you want to make money online? Well, you are in luck! To become a casino affiliate, you should check out this guide to become an online gambling affiliate.

As a hugely popular form of entertainment in Switzerland, online casinos worldwide are visited by millions, but with so many gambling sites out there, how does any particular area get the spotlight? Tight advertisement regulations and a heavy workload often prevent Swiss casino owners and operators from marketing their sites, so how do online gambling affiliate marketing?

The gambling industry is strictly regulated, and any marketing schemes must comply with specific and stringent advertisement laws. So, how do casinos advertise their services? What if I told you there is a winning casino marketing strategy in which both players and businesses can profit and promote online casinos affiliate programs. This is how casino owners get new customers, and casino affiliate websites make money promoting online casinos.

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SEO experts and digital marketers have exploited the casino promotion industry to make a massive profit from decorating. With high commission rates and a gap in the market due to international advertisement laws, promoting online casinos is one of the highest-earning online occupations a web admin can engage with.

Online gambling affiliate programs can be an excellent source of funding for the casino acquainted individual. If you love gambling, then this is how you can make money by telling everyone about the things you love. Many online casinos greatly rely on such marketing partnerships to spread awareness of their business and drive traffic. If this is the first time you are learning about affiliate programs, as it very well might be, then you will want to listen to this ground-breaking casino advertising method. This article will quickly run through affiliate programs, what it takes to become a promoter, potential profits, and how both players and owners can benefit.  

Is it legal to advertise gambling in Switzerland?

Before we begin, you might be asking, “wait, is this legal?” You would be correct to ask this question, since casinos and other gambling establishments worldwide are subject to strict legal requirements. The short and sweet answer to your question is, yes! But it is not straightforward.

The laws about casino marketing and advertisement will differ from territory to territory. In some countries, gambling is outright illegal, and in regions with legal gambling establishments, legally advertising casinos is a challenge. For example, in Switzerland, ASA prevents gambling advertisements from implying that gambling brings financial success, resolves personal problems, is a rite of passage, or is linked to success.

As you can imagine, this can make Online casino marketing a tricky process. You need to be sure that your advertisement cannot be misinterpreted and that you have not implied that gambling has these advantages. Since legal requirements differ per area and the online gambling industry is international, you need first to research the legality of casino advertisement in your country or country.

And as for another example which we will expand upon later, to advertise Swiss casinos, you first need to be licensed by every state that offers legal gambling. This can take a tremendous amount of time, effort, and of course, money. There is a workaround that solves this problem, but we will be discussing the details of this later. For now, all you need to understand is that advertising casinos are an occupation rife with pitfalls and legal complexities.

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You will be coming across a lot of “yes, but…” in the coming paragraphs. 

It might seem like a time waster to meticulously study your local laws to precisely determine what you can and cannot promote. However, it will pay off eventually, especially since breaking advertisement laws can create potential fines and technical difficulties. A simple misstep could get you banned from your platform, even if it was a simple mistake. The casino industry is a serious business that can significantly affect people’s lives, so choose your words carefully. This can damage your reputation with partner sites and within the gambling and affiliate community.

What are affiliate programs? And how can I make money promoting online casinos?

Affiliates, also known as associates, resellers, referrals, or sponsors, are third-party advertisers who have an agreement with a company to advertise their services or products on their platform. This includes exposure for webpage and incentives for users to promote their products. For example, many online businesses offer affiliate programs to acquire new customers, and casinos are much the same. Users are provided with a link that includes a commission for every person who clicks your link and completes a required transaction.

This casino marketing strategy is dependent on the casino’s partner sites and platforms to drive referrals to their online casinos. This can all be achieved using simple text links, banners, and pop-ups which the casino’s marketing program can supply. Next, you need to drive traffic to their website and refer those visitors using unique affiliate links. However, be warned that having too many pop-ups and distracting ads can go away your audience. Keep a healthy balance between advertisement and the actual content to hold your audience’s attention.

Online gambling affiliate programs offer deals based on revenue sharing, CPA, or a mixture of the two. CPA or cost-per-acquisition is a fixed commission paid for each depositing player. A revenue share is when you receive a percentage of what a referred player loses, minus bonuses and fees. Hybrid payments will utilize a mixture of CPA and revenue share commission, with details differing per partnership program. The types of deals and earnings can vary significantly from company to company, so keep this knowledge in mind when promoting a casino in Switzerland.

How to become a casino affiliate in Switzerland:

To be approved by most casino advertisement programs, you will first need to show them that you have a platform to promote their casino. This can include websites, blogs, social media, or email marketing. You can focus on more than one of these marketing methods. But if you are a simple casino-loving individual looking for some extra cash, then concentrate on just one. You feel it would be better not to overwork yourself before your lost time has made a profit.

However, it is essential to note here that social media sites like Facebook and YouTube have cracked down on gambling content. Most social media sites will have different terms and conditions when it comes to an acceptable range. That is not to imply that promoting online casinos via social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc., is impossible.

Therefore, with an Online gambling affiliate social marketing strategy, you can easily overcome this trouble.

Can you promote online casinos on Facebook?

Yes, but you will have to put some effort into finding loopholes in their content moderation guidelines. As of now, social media marketing is all the rage. This is mainly due to the vast popularity of social media, allowing for a decent amount of link conversions with minimal costs involved.

Unfortunately, finding a practical casino marketing idea sustainable on social media platforms can take quite a bit of time and effort. With casino advertisement laws differing from country to country and gambling being outright illegal on top of social media guidelines, finding an effective marketing method will take some time.

Luckily for you, Online gambling affiliate and their partners have tried and tested the social media landscape, so I can tell you some of the most effective methods of promoting online casinos:

  • Be subtle.
  • Gather intel for email lists.
  • Public interest marketing
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Strategic targeting

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Let us give you more profound information about it-

Be subtle:

Indirect advertisement is critical when promoting online casinos via social media. Use stories about gambling to strike an emotional chord, choose a topic adjacent to gambling, so you can add your affiliate links at the end of your post, get creative, and do not be cheesy.

Choose to make a page about gambling, not one that directly promotes it. By keeping your content clean and social media safe, you could plug in your partner site.

Gather intel for email lists:

Social media and be a powerful tool if you choose to go down the email marketing route. Follow pages and enter groups that already discuss casinos and gambling, then identify users you think will be interested in your partner site.

From here, you can begin gathering email IDs from the users and compiling an email list to send out your marketing campaign. You could also opt to send direct messages via the social media platform to promote your affiliate sites.

Public interest marketing:

This casino marketing idea involves offering a public service by rolling out articles about fraudulent casinos and alerting the public to illegal gambling operations. Then after you have identified those interested in your favour, you can begin recommending your affiliate sites as trustworthy alternative options. This method usually involves using temporary links to avoid being reported and caught out by anti-gambling content guidelines.

Awareness campaigns:

An awareness campaign is used to draw attention to particular social or political struggles within our current society. How does this link in with making banks promoting online casinos? Well, if performed tactfully, you can use this social awareness platform to promote partner sites.

Say, for example, you start a page promoting awareness for gambling addictions and creating genuinely positive content about how society can tackle such a problem. If done carefully, you could begin promoting well-known sites to set sensible limits for their players and act against gambling addictions.

You must be incredibly careful and discreet if you choose this method, since you could quickly be banned from the site for breaking community guidelines. In the worst-case scenario, this method could create potential legal action down the line.

Strategic targeting:

Strategic targeting is a method of social media marketing that carefully considers which audience to target, which platform would be more suitable to target the demographic, and what types of content would draw this audience in.

For example, if your partner site just added a new feature that you think will appeal to users over the age of 35, you would choose to post about it on Facebook since members of this age group are more likely to use Facebook as their primary form of social media.

If you were looking to target a younger age group, you might choose Instagram instead to promote your services. This method involves running many social media accounts and analysing data and trends to target exact demographics. This method takes much effort and has the constant risk of being reported, so use it with care.

So, yes, while social media campaigns might be risky, they can be effective because you are careful and concise in your marketing methods. However, overall, there are many easier ways to promote online casinos without resorting to social media.

And just in case you were wondering, it is next to impossible to promote online casinos without using the internet. Paper campaigns are theoretically possible; however, it’s unlikely that the affiliate program will take up your offer or that you would make any considerable earnings. Besides that, we are entering a modern age in which traditional marketing methods now fail to be effective, and digital marketing techniques now take centre stage. You will also want to keep in mind that people reading about online casinos will likely already be pretty tech-savvy, so all in all, digital marketing is the way to go.


Overall, the easiest and most cost-effective way to start as a casino affiliate is to build a content-driven site that receives free traffic from search engines such as Google. You are less likely to be caught up in content policies when choosing a website or blog as your affiliate platform. It allows you complete control over your content, you can earn from free traffic via a search engine, and you do not need to pay for social media advertisements to get any decent exposure. Blog and website partnership is also a tried and trusted method, making it easier for you to acquire approval from casino marketing programs.

I have mentioned receiving free traffic from search engine optimization. However, those clever enough among you might be asking, “, but can you promote gambling on Google Ads.”? The short answer here is yes. You can promote certain online gambling establishments via Google Ads. However, this is, of course, subject to local regulations and laws. Google Ads has a set of guidelines clearly stating which types of casinos and gambling establishments can be advertised on their search engine. So, similarly to social media regulations and legal regulations, you will have to hit the books to receive a definitive answer to this question.

Another type of site that can pan out to be an excellent investment is an online forum. Forum sites are now mostly falling out of favour as individuals choose social media sites to discuss their interests online. However, due to the strict content regulations on social media sites concerning gambling content, most casino enthusiasts decide to chat via forums or message boards, the old-school way. Unfortunately, getting traffic into a forum site can take some time since building a community to share ideas, ask questions, and run the place.

Forums are much different from other content-oriented sites, since they rely on other users to create content. You need people to ask questions, people to answer questions, and for people to make their content for you, for free. However, due to the decline in forum usage, the difficulty of making initial content, and referring individuals to your site, it is probably wiser to focus on blogs and other similar websites. At least for now, starting a forum after building up a community on a blog is a great way to get those first few users interested.

So, start by choosing your niche. This could be a type of gambling, a particular keyword, or location. You can, of course, potentially use all three. Choosing a good niche is particularly important. This is what can make or break a site. You need a good eye for content and a plan that keeps in trend and strategizes for how this industry may evolve. Ensure that you are remarkably familiar with the website’s niche before starting, since this is what your entire site will be focused around. Then plan, build and create content for your website.

Once you have built your platform, it is time to begin earning. Start signing up for affiliate programs. Most casinos have a link in their directory labelled ‘affiliates’ or ‘affiliate program.’ Sometimes it may also be called a ‘partnership program’ or by some other title. Either way, it will be something to this effect. From there, you can fill out your application form with all the information required of you. The casino marketing team will contact you regarding your acceptance into the program.

If your application has been accepted, congratulations; you will receive an email that contains all your necessary affiliate information, such as an affiliate ID and login credentials. Now that you have a method of income, continue creating content and bringing new people to your site, and eventually, you will end up with quite a pretty sum.

Why do online casinos offer affiliate programs?

Their numerous responsibilities already swamp online casino operators. They must develop relationships with software providers and developers, work with vast amounts of paperwork and maths, and manage their employees. As a result, the owners of casinos feel it would be better not to promote online casinos by themselves. They feel it would be better not to start content-oriented sites, YouTube channels, or social media. They would much rather pay someone else to get the job done for them.

Therefore, the owners of online casinos use partnership programs to motivate casino fans to draw in gamblers on their behalf. To give players an incentive to start promoting an online casino, they pay their associates commissions based on the number of players they recruit.

Picking the right program

You will need to keep an eye on various factors when searching for a good casino marketing program. Here are just a few of the biggest concerns site owners have when looking to promote online casinos:

Trust and Integrity:

You must rest easy knowing that you partner with a well-respected casino, partly because you want to ensure. Yet, there that your affiliate will hold up their end of the bargain. But also because promoting online casinos that rip off their customers will seriously damage your reputation.

To effectively promote an online casino, you first need to believe the brand you are promoting. You will find advertising a sketchy casino much harder than a legitimate establishment. Suppose the casino you partner with provides a quality gaming experience and can be trusted with their customer’s time and money. In that case, you can wholeheartedly recommend them instead of lying through your teeth.

Fast Payments:

You want to be sure that the money will arrive in your lap every month, like clockwork. Chasing money, potential transaction errors, and fraudulent business partners will significantly cut your time. Payment should be the easy part, especially after putting so much hard work into advertising their services.

Responsive team:

Sometimes errors, mistakes, and other technical problems cause problems for your money-making efforts. Therefore, you want to look for programs well known for having responsive and helpful managers and staff. If something goes wrong, then you feel it would be better not to be sitting around waiting for help.

Licensing requirements:

In some cases, you may need to have a licence to promote certain casinos. Each state must be licensed in the US casino market, which offers legal online gambling, before encouraging gambling services in that state. This process can be quite an expensive and lengthy ordeal. The workaround here is to promote offshore casinos that accept US players, at least until you have raised funds and the time to begin promoting US-based casinos. If you require licensing, you will want to look for offshore casinos compliant with this workaround.

Tips for casino marketing:

So, you thought that was it? An excellent passive income stream? Despite the lucrative reputation of the online casino affiliate, it can be troublesome to keep up a steady income. Setting up your site and applying to programs is merely the first step. If you want to keep earning, then here are some tips to keep the cash flowing.

Do not underestimate the challenge:

There is no such thing as easy money; while the world of casino promotion is lucrative and rich with opportunities, it is also relentless and requires a decent quantity of work on your end. Keeping up to date on SEO trends, regularly keeping your site up to date, coming up with regular and original content ideas, along keeping an eye on any number of affiliate programs you are earning from are all part of the job description.

Choose a smaller niche (at least to start with):

It may be tempting to widen your net and build a large site that targets all markets, but it’s a trap. Do not fall for it. Smaller niche websites are easier to start, develop and maintain. They are also easier to get traffic in the short term, allowing you to test your niche or market while still gaining profit. Small niche sites are perfect for beginners since more significant sites will require a considerable investment. Yet, there is still no guarantee you will achieve a return on the fees taken to start, build and maintain your site.

Diversify your content:

You might discover that a site with a small niche has an earnings limit. You will only be gathering the attention of people interested in that niche. This might be fine with you, especially to start with; however, creating a diversity of content can help eventually.

When you discover your site is not getting more traffic, but you still have not met your profit goals, it might be time to consider branching out. This can draw in a whole new audience and bring more users to the site, thus increasing potential profits. It may seem like a lot of effort for nothing at first, but the strategy eventually pays off.

Grow your empire:

Speaking of diversifying content, have you considered diversifying platforms? Say you have a site, and it is up and running but not quite generating enough income. Then you might want to utilize another marketing medium to promote your partner’s sites and your own.

Start a Facebook page and creating content there, the content does not need to promote gambling explicitly, and you can add links to your site, which actively encourages online casinos. Many within the casino affiliate industry have multiple websites to double the earnings. You could begin a forum connected to your website and gather a community of like-minded people to drive traffic towards your site continuously. You could even start a discord channel to actively connect with your audience and offer a different means of promoting your links.

This method is not for everyone. As you can imagine, this entails vast amounts of work on your end. However, if you already have a moderately successful site, you may have some cash set aside, which you can use to hire outside talent to help you run the operation. Diversifying your content mediums can be a big help when your earnings are beginning to plateau and help you identify new audiences.

This is also a safe way to break into social media marketing since providing educational content about gambling instead of actively promoting it is less likely to breach community guidelines. You can then funnel users to your site, which actively encourages online casino companies and eventually turns a more significant profit from increased traffic.

Honest quality content:

Like the boy who cried wolf, no one will trust a site that regularly recommends sketchy and dishonest gambling sites. If you lie to them, then they will not be coming back. Ensure all your content is honest, down to earth, and, most importantly, high quality. This is what will keep users come back to your site time and time again. If your work is of high quality, your site will gain more traction as an honest and reputable source of information.

You might have heard the term: authority site. An authority is a site that is overall trusted as a legitimate source of trustworthy information and good content. As an online casino promoter, you should be aiming to have an authority site. A good reputation is a profitable one. People will return to and even recommend your site if you have proven to be a trustworthy source of information time and time again. It can help you build new contacts with other casinos and like-minded peers and is a worthwhile investment altogether.

You might be tempted to lie for a bit of short-term income; however, it simply is not worth it eventually. Honest, high-quality content always trumps sensationalist clickbait and thinly veiled lies.

Learn and experiment:

Here is where my previous point about choosing a smaller niche pays off. Getting traffic to a site that targets a particular audience and niche is easier to get traffic to in the short term, so this gives you the chance to experiment and learn from first-hand experience. You cannot understand a lot from a brief online article that you need to experience first-hand. Experimenting is an essential process to test the limits of your medium without potential losses.

Learning about web development, SEO, and other topics relating to driving web traffic is vital to ensuring that your site keeps earning. There are plenty of courses and lessons online that can be paid for or accessed for free online, teaching search engine optimization. You can also reach out to like-minded individuals for help on online forums, and you may find some excellent recommendations for SEO tools that can help you on your path to wealth.

Know your trade:

Do you like gambling? Do you know your trade? A gambler knows best which online casinos are best. They also know the types of content users want and expect from an authority website. If you do not know your trade, how do you expect to garner people’s attention? Your readers will see if you do not understand what you are talking about, but a seasoned gambler can get plenty of attention by proving that they are a knowledgeable player.

This might seem like an obvious point but bear with me.

Online casino affiliate marketing

What is online casino affiliate marketing? And what is the importance of it in an affiliate business in Switzerland?

Online casino affiliate marketing program starts with three significant steps:

  • Know your audience.
  • Know your market.
  • Follow the rules.

Let us know more in detail about it-

Know your audience:

Are you focusing on a particular country? What games are popular there? Is your site aimed towards beginners and casual players, or are you focusing more on career gamblers and hardened veterans?

Factors such as this should significantly affect the content you choose to put up on your site. Learn what content your audience expects, find gaps in market knowledge, learn what is trending and what other sites help guide your content in the correct direction.

Know your market:

Connect with and study the market, find friends who run other affiliate programs or are part of the casino industry. Networking and connecting with others are excellent ways to stay ahead of the curb in a constantly changing industry.

Forum sites such as Casinomeister, Affilorama, Wickedfire, Webmasterworld, and so many more can help you glean insight from others in the industry. Experts recommend learning about affiliate programs, keeping an eye out for fraudulent online casinos, and research SEO with people who know what they are talking about. I mentioned that certain information could only be learned first-hand, but if you have a question, the odds are that someone has already asked it and answered it. Forums are an excellent way to solve any nagging problems and keep up to date with the community.

Follow the rules:

You might have noticed some potentially dubious ways to earn money if you want to promote online casinos. I will not deny that some casino marketing ideas involve the exploitation of those vulnerable to gambling addiction. And the straightforward answer as to if you should be willing to bend the rules for money’s sake: no.

Suppose you break the rules of your affiliate contract. Gambling sites in Switzerland are often subject to strict guidelines, which they must adhere to at all costs. Countries hold such strict laws and content policies for a reason, and you could be facing potential legal action if you choose to bend the rules for profit.

In that case, you could be costing the company thousands in fines, thus damaging your reputation with the company and within the casino marketing community. Losing a sponsor is not worth it for a few extra clicks. You can be banned from platforms, be fined, and altogether lose the trust of your peers and partners. Even if you have a heart of stone, at the end of the day, having a dodgy reputation creates more trouble than it is worth.

How much can you make by promoting online casinos?

If you were lured in by the title in Switzerland, you have likely read this far because you want to make some money. But how much will you be earning exactly? Some of the biggest casino affiliate sites earn over six figures per month, which might seem crazy, but some do it. If you put the effort in, you can certainly make a decent living wage from promoting casinos.

It is difficult to determine how much you will make as a new casino affiliate. The answer is affected by a few significant factors.

Firstly, the choice of niche. Niches will gain more traffic than others. Ensure you research the types of content created by affiliate sites and carefully consider how your site fits into the gambling landscape. Also, understand that small and well-targeted topics will get more short-term attention than choosing to make a catch-all site.

Secondly, value invested. Will you be running a one-person show, or will you be hiring web designers, writers? If you can start up by yourself, then beginning costs will be minimal. But if you need to hire talent to keep the site up, running, and creating profit fits.

Thirdly, the casino promotion industry is dominated by company-run sites. As an individual, you will be limited to the amount of time in a day you have to work on the site. As a company, you will be determined by how much you are willing to invest in workers who can get the job done for you. So, there will be a vast earning difference between those who run an individual operation and those who run a large-scale operation. Both have their pitfalls, but overall, company operations are more successful at promoting casinos and turning a profit.

And finally, it is practically impossible to predict how much a site can make sense. It is hugely dependent on the amount of traffic your site receives and the types of partnership programs you are engaging in. Monthly earnings will fluctuate, and it is a volatile method of earning. You might get an incredible Pay cheque at the end of one month but then find it all goes quiet the next.


Many owners of gambling associate sites have claimed they earn astronomical amounts of money, almost enough to be unbelievable. However, you must understand that this is no get-rich-quick scheme. Online casino promotion is one of the most lucrative investments you can make as a digital marketer; however, it is hard work, and it can take time to get the ball rolling. With time, effort, and potentially some extra funding, your site may have the chance to become incredibly profitable, or it could hardly be worth your time. It is a gamble.

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